
An Observation represents information gathered about a patient, including vital signs, laboratory data, and other assessments.


See the FHIR documentation for more information about Observation resources.

Mapped Concepts in HIEBus

  • LabObservation
  • Observation
  • DeviceDataContextWithDeviceDataPoints
  • DeviceDataPoint

Supported Interactions

Observation resources support the following interactions.

Search Parameters

When searching for Observation resources, the following search parameters are supported.

Name Type Prefixes
Can be Chained? Description
_id Token Resource id.
_lastUpdated Date lt  le  gt  ge  :missing  When the resource last changed.
_source Uri :missing  Where the resource comes from.
category Token :missing  The classification of the type of observation - path Observation.category. Matches CareEvolution observations whose type is in a term subset with scope 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/observation-category' and name equal to one of the specified codes with system 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/observation-category'. Matches any CareEvolution lab observations if one of the specified category codes is 'laboratory' with system 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/observation-category'. So for example 'category=http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/observation-category|vital-signs' (and 'category=vital-signs') matches no lab observation and matches observations whose type is in the term subset with scope 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/observation-category' and name 'vital-signs'; 'category=http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/observation-category|laboratory' (and 'category=laboratory') matches any lab observation and no observations. Observations whose type is in the term subset with scope 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/observation-category' and name 'laboratory' are always excluded and 'category=http://snomed.info/sct|laboratory' matches no lab observation or observations. R4 version also includes all CareEvolution device data.
code Token :not  :in  :notin  :missing  The code of the observation type.
date Date ne  lt  le  gt  ge  sa  eb  ap  :missing  Obtained date/time. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period.
device Reference :missing  yes The Device that generated the observation data.
document-date Date ne  lt  le  gt  ge  sa  eb  ap  :missing  Searches for observation by their associated document date.
document-type Token :not  :in  :notin  :missing  Searches for observation by their associated document type.
encounter Reference :missing  yes Encounter related to the observation.
patient Reference :missing  yes The subject that the observation is about (if patient).
performer Reference :missing  yes Who performed the observation.
provenance-agent Reference :missing  yes Search by provenance, specified by its author (aka originator) Organization.
status Token :missing  The status of the observation.
subject Reference :missing  yes The subject that the observation is about.

Sortable Parameters

When searching Observation resources, it is possible to sort the returned values by the following search parameters.

  • date
  • _id

Only one sort parameter may be specified.

Supported Includes

When searching Observation resources, it is possible to include the resources referenced by the following field names.

  • Device
  • Encounter
  • Patient
  • Performer
  • Provenance Agent
  • Subject

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