Interface / 3.0.1 (STU3) / Medication Dispense

Medication Dispense

The Medication Dispense resource represents medication dispensed for a patient.


See the FHIR documentation for more information about Medication Dispense resources.

Mapped Concepts in HIEBus

  • Medication

Supported Interactions

Medication Dispense resources support the following interactions.

Search Parameters

When searching for Medication Dispense resources, the following search parameters are supported.

Name Type Prefixes
Can be Chained? Description
_id Token Resource id.
_lastUpdated Date ne  lt  le  gt  ge  sa  eb  ap  When the resource last changed.
_source Uri :missing  Where the resource comes from.
claim Reference :missing  yes Searches for MedicationDispense by referenced claim id.
code Token :not  :in  :notin  :missing  Return dispenses of this medicine code.
context Reference :missing  yes Searches for medication dispense by their associated encounter.
patient Reference :missing  yes The patient the MedicationDispense is about.
performer Reference :missing  yes Return dispenses performed by a specific individual.
provenance-agent Reference :missing  yes Search by provenance, specified by its author (aka originator) Organization.
responsibleparty Reference :missing  yes Return dispenses with the specified responsible party.
subject Reference :missing  yes The patient the MedicationDispense is about. Functionally identical to the "patient" search parameter.
whenhandedover Date ne  lt  le  gt  ge  sa  eb  ap  :missing  Returns dispenses handed over on this date.

Sortable Parameters

When searching Medication Dispense resources, it is possible to sort the returned values by the following search parameters.

  • whenhandedover
  • _id

Only one sort parameter may be specified.

Supported Includes

When searching Medication Dispense resources, it is possible to include the resources referenced by the following field names.

  • Claim
  • Context
  • Patient
  • Performer
  • Provenance Agent
  • Responsibleparty
  • Subject

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